Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST)

December 13-15, 2023
Tianjin, China

Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST) is an annual symposium which aims to facilitate the rapid growth of hardware-based security research and development. Another goal of this conference is to help build hardware security community in Asian and Pacific area.

Featured Speakers / Panelists

Leibo Liu
Leibo Liu
Tsinghua University
Chip Hong Chang
Chip Hong Chang
Michael Schwarz
Michael Schwarz
CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Marten van Dijk
Marten van Dijk
Vrjie Universiteit van Amsterdam

Accepted Papers

ID Title  
1 Hardware Security of Digital Image Filter IP Cores against Piracy using IP Seller’s Fingerprint Encrypted Amino Acid Biometric Sample Regular
6 TrustSoC: Light and Efficient Heterogeneous SoC Architecture, Secure-by-design Regular
8 Overtake: Achieving Meltdown-type Attacks with One Instruction Regular
14 Emulating Covert Data Transmission on Heterogeneous SoCs Regular
15 AHD-LAM: A New Mitigation Method against Voltage Drop Attacks in Multi-tenant FPGAs Regular
16 A Lightweight and Machine-Learning-Resistant PUF framework based on Nonlinear Structure and Obfuscating Challenges Regular
21 NNLeak: An AI-Oriented DNN Model Extraction Attack through Multi-Stage Side Channel Analysis Regular
29 A Comparative Analysis between Karatsuba, Toom-Cook and NTT Multiplier for Polynomial Multiplication in NTRU on FPGA Regular
30 Intrinsic Processor-based PUF Design for Approximate Computing: Faith or Reality? Regular
31 A Hybrid Neural Network for Simultaneous Multi-Attack Detection in Sensor Networks Regular
32 LLM4SecHW: Leavering Domain-Specific Large Language Model for Hardware Debugging Regular
35 HeisenTrojans: They Are Not There Until They Are Triggered Regular
37 When Memory Mappings Attack: On the (Mis)use of the ARM Cortex-M FPB Unit Regular
38 A Lightweight Authentication Scheme with PE-Based Unclonable Label Regular
44 DF-TEE: Trusted Execution Environment for Disaggregated Multi-FPGA Cloud Systems Regular
7 Fault Analysis on AES and SM4 Through Automatic Property Extraction and Checking Short
9 Tamper Resistant Design of Convolutional Neural Network Hardware Accelerator Short
18 PMU-Data: Data Traces Could be Distinguished Short
19 DDQ-APUF: A Highly Reliable Arbiter PUF Using Delay Difference Quantization Short
33 A Comparison of One-class and Two-class Models for Ransomware Detection via Low-level Hardware Information Short
39 A Compact Weak PUF Circuit Based on Random Process Deviations of Amplifier Chain Short

Hardware has long been viewed as a trusted party supporting the whole computer system and is often treated as an abstract layer running instructions passed through the software layer. Historically, cybersecurity community believed that the integrated circuit (IC) supply chain is well protected. However, the IC supply chain, which is now spread around the globe, has become more vulnerable to attacks than before. The heavy reliance on third-party resources/services breeds security concerns and invalidates the illusion that attackers cannot easily access the isolated IC supply chain. Formal methods have been proven to be effective in security verification on hardware code. Trustworthy hardware is also under development for the construction of the root-of-trust. The intrinsic properties of existing and emerging devices, MOSFET, memristor, spintronics, etc. are leveraged for security primitives and applications. Another trend in the hardware security area is the development of security enhanced hardware infrastructure for system level protection. The goal is to provide a fully operational software and hardware platform that ensures secure design, manufacturing, and deployment of modern computer systems.

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