6:15 PM - 6:30 PM India Time (7:45AM - 8:00 EST) (8:45PM - 9:00PM Beijing Time) Opening Remarks from AsianHOST2020 General Chairs & PC Chairs
6:30 PM - 6:45 PM India Time (8:00AM - 8:15 EST) (9:00PM - 9:15PM Beijing Time) Introduction of the Hardware Security and Trust Technical Committee
Yao-Wen Chang, IEEE CEDA President
Tsung-Yi Ho, IEEE CEDA Vice President
Gang Qu, IEEE HSTTC Co-Chair
Yier Jin, IEEE HSTTC Co-Chair
6:45 PM - 7:15 PM India Time (8:15AM - 8:45AM EST) (9:15PM - 9:45PM Beijing Time) Pramod Subramanyan Memorial Lecture Session Chair: Rajat Subhra Chakraborty, IITKGP Speaker: Prof. Sharad Malik, Princeton University, USA Title: Formal Methods in Systems-on-Chip (SoC) Security Verification
This lecture is dedicated to the memory and legacy of Pramod Subramanyan, who in a short span of a few years has left an indelible mark on the field of Hardware Security.
7:15PM - 8:00PM India Time (8:45AM - 9:30AM EST) (9:45PM - 10:30PM Beijing Time) PAPER SESSION 1: HARDWARE ROOT OF TRUST Session Chair: Ulrich Ruhrmair, LMU Munich and University of Connecticut
HybridTEE: Secure Mobile DNN Execution Using Hybrid Trusted Execution Environment Akshay Gangal, Mengmei Ye and Sheng Wei - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
Feedback-based Channel Gain Complement and Cluster-based Double-threshold Quantization for Physical Layer Key Generation * Hang Liu, Chaofan Zhang, Hongming Fei, Wei Hu and Dawei Guo - Northwestern Polytechnique, Tshingua Univ, China
FPGA Accelerated Embedded System Security Through Hardware Isolation Sujan Kumar Saha and Christophe Bobda - Univ of Florida, USA
* Best Paper Candidates.
8:00PM - 8:15PM India Time (9:30AM - 9:45AM EST) (10:30PM - 10:45PM Beijing Time) BREAK
8:15PM - 9:15PM India Time (9:45AM - 10:45AM EST) (10:45PM - 11:45PM Beijing Time) PAPER SESSION 2: SIDE CHANNEL AND FAULT ATTACKS Session Chair: Chester Rebeiro, IIT Madras
On The Deployment of Tweak-in-Plaintext Protection Against Differential Fault Analysis Jeroen Delvaux - Open Security Research, China
Revisiting the security of static masking and compaction: Discovering new vulnerability and Improved Scan Attack on AES Yogendra Sao, Dr. K.K.Soundra Pandian and Dr. Sk Subidh Ali - IIT Bhilai, India
PowerScout: A Security-Oriented Power Delivery Network Modeling Framework for Cross-Domain Side-Channel Analysis * Huifeng Zhu, Xiaolong Guo, Yier Jin and Xuan Zhang - Washington University in St.Louis, Kansas State University USA, University of Florida USA
Revisiting Persistent Fault Analysis: Assessing Weak Keys and Strong Keys in Gift-64 Lightweight Cipher Arjit Arora, Kalpit Kothari, Priyanka Joshi and Bodhisatwa Mazumdar - IIT Indore, India
* Best Paper Award.
9:15PM - 9:30PM India Time (10:45AM - 11:00AM EST) (11:45PM - 12:00AM Beijing Time) BREAK
9:30 PM - 10:00 PM India Time (11:00AM - 11:30AM EST) (12:00AM - 12:30AM Beijing Time) Keynote talk 2 Session Chair: Yier Jin, Univ of Florida, USA Speaker: Mr. Jason Fung, Intel Corporation Title: Enriching the World via Hardware Security Research
10:00PM - 11:00PM India Time (11:30AM - 12:30PM EST) (12:30AM - 01:30AM Beijing Time) SHORT PAPER SESSION Session Chair: Shivam Bhasin,NTU Singapore
Protecting Platoons from Stealthy Jamming Attack Yaodan Hu, Haoqi Shan, Raj Gautam Dutta and Yier Jin - University of Florida, USA
Defending Against Adversarial Attacks in Deep Learning with Robust Auxiliary Classifiers Utilizing Bit Plane Slicing Yuan Liu and Pingqiang Zhou - ShanghaiTech University, China
Malware Classification Through Attention Residual Network based Visualization Diangarti Bhalang Tariang, Sri Charan Birudaraju, Ruchira Naskar, Vijeta Khare and Rajat Subhra Chakraborty - IIT Kharagpur, IIEST Shibpur, Adani Institute of Infrastructure Engineering, India
Characterization of Electromagnetic Fault Injection on 32-bit Microcontroller Instruction Buffer Oualid Trabelsi, Laurent Sauvage and Jean-Luc - Télécom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France
PUF Based Secure Framework for Hardware and Software Security of Drones Vishal Pal, Bharadwaj Amrutur, Ashish Joglekar, Srikrishna Acharya, Somesh Shrivastav and Sourav Saha - Indian Institute of Science, India
MIDAS: Model Inversion Defenses Using an Approximate Memory System Qian Xu, Md Tanvir Arafin and Gang Qu MIDAS - University of Maryland, College Park, Morgan State University USA
Defense against On-Chip Trojans Enabling Traffic Analysis Attacks M Meraj Ahmed, Abhijitt Dhavlle, Naseef Mansoor, Purab Sutradhar, Sai Manoj Pudukotai Dinakarrao, Kanad Basu and Amlan Ganguly - Rochester Institute of Technology, George Mason University, Minnesota State University, The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Compact and Secure Generic Discrete Gaussian Sampler based on HW/SW Co-design Sudarshan Sharma, Arnab Bag and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay - IIT Kharagpur, India
December 17, 2020 (DAY 2)
6:30PM - 7:30 PM India Time (8:00AM - 9:00AM EST) (9:00PM - 10:00PM Beijing Time) PhD Forum Session Chair: bodhisatwa mazumdar, IIT Indore
A Novel Side-Channel Trojan Insertion via ECO Tiago Diadami Perez and Samuel Pagliarini - Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech)
A Dynamic Configurable PUF Design and the Dynamic Matching Authentication Protocol Yale Wang, Chenghua Wang, Chongyan Gu, Yijun Cui, Maire O'Neill and Weiqiang Liu - Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Queen’s University Belfast (QUB)
Practical Side-Channel and Fault Attacks on Lattice-Based Cryptography * Prasanna Ravi - TEAMSEK LABS AND SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, NTU SINGAPORE
FDOME: Flexible Design Obfuscation Method for Embedded-ASIC Zain Ul Abideen and Samuel Pagliarini - Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech)
Explorations on Fault-based Cryptanalysis: Attacks, Defenses and Automated Frameworks * Sayandeep Saha - Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Formal Analysis of Physically Unclonable Functions Durba Chatterjee, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay and Aritra Hazra - Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
RTL to C Reverse Engineering for Enabling Attacks on RTL Locking * Mohammed Adem and Chandan Karfa - IITG
Trust in Machine Learning as a Service Omid Aramoon - University of Maryland
Trust Crisis Behind Approximate Computing Ye Wang - Harbin Institute of Technology
Architectural Support for Authenticated Execution Orlando Arias and Yier Jin - University of Florida
* Best PhD Forum Presentations.
7:30 PM - 8:00 PM India Time (9:00AM - 9:30AM EST) (10:00PM - 10:30PM Beijing Time) Keynote talk 3 Session Chair: Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, IIT Kharagpur, India Speaker: Prof. Ingrid Verbauwhede, K. U. Leuven, Belgium Title: The challenges of implementing the Fan-Vercauteren (FV) Homomorphic Encryption on FPGA.
8:00PM - 8:45PM India Time (9:30AM - 10:15AM EST) (10:30PM - 11:15PM Beijing Time) PAPER SESSION 3: LEAKAGE ANALYSIS USING FORMAL TOOLS & ML FOR SECURITY Session Chair: Anupam Chattopadhyay, NTU Singapore
A Formal Framework for Gate-Level Information Leakage Using Z3 Qizhi Zhang, Jiaji He, Yiqiang Zhao and Xiaolong Guo - Tianjin University, Tsinghua University, Kansas State University, USA
Hardware-Based Detection of Spectre Attacks: A Machine Learning Approach Yunjie Zhang and Yiorgos Makris - The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Architecting a Secure Wireless Interconnect for Multichip Communication: An ML Approach * M Meraj Ahmed, Abhishek Vashist, Sai Manoj Pudukotai Dinakarrao and Amlan Ganguly - Rochester, GMU, USA
* Best Paper Candidates.
8:45PM - 9:00PM India Time (10:15AM - 10:30AM EST) (11:15PM - 11:30PM Beijing Time) BREAK
9:00PM - 9:45PM India Time (10:30AM - 11:15AM EST) (11:30PM - 12:15AM Beijing Time) PAPER SESSION 4: LOGIC LOCKING AND PUFS Session Chair: Subidh Ali, IIT Bhilai
SAT Based Partial Attack on Compound Logic Locking * Melbin John, Aadil Hoda, Ramanuj Chouksey and Chandan Karfa - IIT Guwahati, India
WaLo: Security Primitive Generator for RT-Level Logic Locking and Watermarking Jun Kuai, Jiaji He, Haocheng Ma, Yiqiang Zhao, Yumin Hou and Yier Jin - Tianjin University, China, Tsinghua University, China, University of Florida, USA
Boosting Entropy and Enhancing Reliability for Physically Unclonable Functions Ricardo Valles-Novo, Andres Martinez-Sanchez and Wenjie Che - New Mexico State Univ, USA
* Best Paper Candidates.
9:45PM - 10:00PM India Time (11:15AM - 11:30AM EST) (12:15AM - 12:30AM Beijing Time) BREAK
10:00 PM - 10:30 PM India Time (11:30AM - 12:00PM EST) (12:30AM - 01:00AM Beijing Time) Keynote talk 4 Session Chair: Pingqiang Zhou, Shanghai-Tech Speaker: Prof. V Kamakoti, IIT Madras
10:30PM - 11:30PM India Time (12:00PM - 1:00PM EST) (1:00AM - 2:00AM Beijing Time) PANEL DISCUSSION Topic: AI for Hardware Security: Boon or Bane Panel Moderator: Chester Rebeiro, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India Panelists:
Avi Mendelson, Technion, Israel
Stjepan Picek, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Domenic Forte, University of Florida, USA
Rosario Cammarota, Intel Corporation
Lejla Batina, Radboud University, Netherlands
11:30PM - 11:40PM India Time (1:00PM - 1:10PM EST) (02:00AM - 02:10AM Beijing Time) Concluding Remarks and Awards Announcement